domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

#callforpapers #JPBReview: International Journal of Professional Business Review (JPBReview)

#callforpapers #JPBReview:

International Journal of Professional Business Review (JPBReview)

International Journal of Professional Business Review (JPBReview) aims to publish original research in order to contribute to the promotion and dissemination of key issues in professional business management and academia.

To be published in the JPBReview, authors must adhere to high standards of research and contribute to theory and/or practice in Business Administration, regardless of whether the level of analysis is the organization, region or country. The JPBReview challenges potential authors to produce high quality distinguished research, well grounded in theory and with high methodological rigor. The demonstration of an effective conceptual contribution will be considered in the journal's editorial process.

This journal is indexing and abstracting in: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Ebsco Host Publishing, Cengage Gale Learning, PKP Index, Google Scholar and OpenAire (See Indexing & Abstracting page).
In the drive to succeed in its mission, in addition to the traditional editorial, the journal offers:
• Editorial Comments
• Articles
• Technical Reports
• Perspectives
• Bibliographic Reviews

Topics of Interest
The following topics are of interest to the JPBReview:
  • Theoretical Perspectives and aspects of Strategy Management;
  • Marketing;
  • Organization Studies;
  • Human Resource Management,
  • Entrepreneuship;
  • Corporate Governance;
  • E-business;
  • Information Technology;
  • Technology Management;
  • Social Medias;
  • Distance Learning;
  • Tourism Management;
  • Project Management;
  • Accounting, Management and Governance;
  • Innovation Management;
  • Health Systems Management;
  • Production & Operations Management;
  • Financial Management;
  • Sustainability and Social and Environmental Management
  • Management Research Methods and Managerial Economics, etc.

sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

Análise da App Turística Tenerife Acessivel

Análise da App Turística Tenerife Acessivel

Jakson Renner Rodrigues Soares, Larissa Paola Macedo Castro Gabriel, Maria Dolores Sánchez Fernández



O turismo é uma atividade económica que tem um impacto importante na balança comercial espanhola. No entanto, esta atividade ainda é exclusiva, embora se note que as barreiras às infraestruturas de acesso para pessoas com necessidades especiais estão sendo cada vez mais eliminadas. Tanto os meios de transporte, como as infra-estruturas hoteleiras, gastronômicas, museus e praias, todos os elementos da atividade turística estão se tornando cada vez mais acessíveis. A acessibilidade é entendida como as facilidades que permitem as pessoas com necessidades especiais (mobilidade reduzida, deficiência visual ou auditiva) de desfrutar do mesmo espaço que qualquer outro turista. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a existência de aplicativos de celulares de destinos turísticos que considerem algumas das necessidades especiais dos indivíduos. Para isso, foram analisados ​​as APPS apresentados na Guía APPS turísticas 2016 pela Seggitur, ou seja, mais de 200 APPS foram avaliadas. De acordo com Segittur (2016, p.2) "as novas tecnologias foram definitivamente colocadas à serviço do turista". Mas elas foram realmente projetadas para todos os turistas? Verificou-se que de todos os APPS considerados no relatório, apenas um foi desenvolvido para o público que tem necessidades especiais: Tenerife Acessível. Tal aplicativo trabalha questões da imagem turística do destino com foco nas necessidades deste público. Além disso, verificou-se que o destino usa o esporte como atração para este segmento. No entanto, este documento apresenta as relações existentes entre inovação, turismo e esportes acessíveis.


APPs Turísticas; Turismo Acessível; Comunicação; Aplicativo Móvel.

The Perception of the Effect of Tourism on the Local Community before the Ibiza Smart Island Project

The Perception of the Effect of Tourism on the Local Community before the Ibiza Smart Island Project

María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández (University of A Coruña, Spain) and José Ramon Cardona (University of Illes Balears, Spain)


The perceptions that residents had towards aspects linked to tourism development on the island of Ibiza is measured. In 2011 fieldwork which asked the extent of agreement with several statements was carried out. A descriptive analysis was carried out on the data obtained to determine the average valuation on various items and cross tabulations to see if there are differences between the five municipalities of the island. The results show that there is a high valuation of the economic benefits and tourism is considered to be very important, but they are half-hearted or critical towards the rest of the impacts. In addition, there are no significant differences between the five municipalities. Ibiza is a single tourist destination and works as one single social unit. In 2015 the Ibiza Smart Island project was launched, with smart city and smart destination elements, to solve the problems that affect residents and tourists.
Chapter Preview


Tourism is highly dependent on the hospitality of residents, and the support of the local population is essential for the proper development of tourism (Besculides, Lee, & McCormick, 2002; Gursoy, Jurowski, & Uysal, 2002; Jurowski, 1994; Sharpley, 2014; Stylidis & Terzidou, 2014). Moreover it is widely recognized that the planners and entrepreneurs in the tourism sector must take into account the resident community if they want sustainable development (Almeida, Balbuena, & Cortés, 2015; Ap & Crompton, 1998; Gursoy, Chi, & Dyer, 2010; Nunkoo & Ramkissoon, 2010; Presenza, Del Chiappa, & Sheehan, 2013). There are many reasons why the residents’ reaction is important (Williams & Lawson, 2001) and the investigation into the causes of their attitudes toward tourism is of great help for management. The impact of tourism on the quality of life of the residents should allow for an increase or at least maintain it the same (Williams & Lawson, 2001). Having the support of the population is essential since the kindness of the residents is a basic element in a tourism product (Fridgen, 1991). One of the motivations of tourism is psycho-social reasons and it often involves an increase in the contact with individuals from the surrounding area during the stay (Gómez, San Martin, & Bertiche, 1999), and if the treatment received from these people is hospitable they will have an enjoyable experience.
With the development of information and communication technologies, initiatives that seek to use this technology to improve peoples’ lives have arisen.
  • The concepts of smart city (Ramaswami, Russell, Culligan, Rahul Sharma, & Kumar, 2016),
  • Smart island (Mahizhnan, 1999), and
  • Smart destination (Del Chiappa, & Baggio, 2015; Ivars, Solsona, & Sánchez, 2016) are examples of this.
A smart city is a population that seeks sustainable development in its broad sense (economic, social, environmental, etc.) and to offer the most appropriate response possible to the basic needs of institutions, companies and residents. This implies that the initiatives and investments that have been implemented promote an improvement in the quality of life, sustainable development, participatory management and efficient use of time by everyone involved. The actions which imply being a smart city are based on the development and implementation of tools based on information and communication technologies. These tools are essential for the introduction of actions aimed at a more efficient and sustainable use of resources available, including peoples’ time (Deakin, 2013; Deakin & Al Waer, 2011). Reality is that at present, this is a concept which is still unclear and which encompasses very diverse initiatives, both in its technological base and in its scope and objectives. What all the cases do have in common is that they seek an improvement in the daily life of residents and visitors.
When a population nucleus has great tourism development and decides to adopt the smart city approach, tourists are fundamental in the sustainability of local development. In these cases it is normal to talk about Smart destination (Del Chiappa & Baggio, 2015; Ivars et al., 2016) to highlight the importance of visitors in the design of the various actions undertaken. Smart destination projects seek to improve the tourist experience by providing them with useful information at a suitable time and place. This normally consists in projects that aim to facilitate access to tourist information on culture, entertainment, places of interest, etc. through electronic devices, mainly mobile technology.