viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

The Influence of Institutional Environment on Quality Practices and Its Impact on Regional Development

The Influence of Institutional Environment on Quality Practices and Its Impact on Regional Development
María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández, Universidade da Coruña,, @MariaSnchezFdez
This chapter studied the institutional influence associated to quality practices in hotels. The aim was to interpret whether it was the normative, coercive or mimetic pressures (Institutional pressures) that influenced the three, four and five star hotels in north of Portugal. In order to accomplish these objectives the author used an investigation model that connects institutional context pressures with quality practices and quality practices with legitimacy. To study used the Institutional Theory as theoretical reference.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9567-2.ch008
Chapter 8.
Forthcoming IGI Global Publication, @igiglobal   

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development.
Description: The emergence of small businesses within a community or country helps to establish that region’s role in the global economy. As economic achievement is vital to the overall development of a region, a framework for entrepreneurship success and innovation is necessary to keep up with the competitive global market.The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development is a critical reference source for current research on entrepreneurship and its impact on regional development. Featuring comprehensive coverage on a variety of topics relating to social entrepreneurship, internationalization, business policies, innovation, sustainability, and higher education, this handbook of research is an essential resource for practitioners, academicians, researchers, and students interested in the effect that entrepreneurial success has on a particular región.
Luísa Carvalho, Universidade Aberta, Portugal & CEFAGE, Universidade de Évora, Portugal (Ed.)

A volume in the Advances in Electronic Government, Digital Divide, and Regional Development (AEGDDRD) Book Series  


jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Congreso Iberoamericano de Turismo y Responsabilidad Social CITuRS 2016. 17-18 Octubre 2016

Congreso Iberoamericano de Turismo y Responsabilidad Social


CITuRS 2016
17-18 Octubre 2016

Lugar de celebración: Universidade da Coruña, Galicia, España

Universidades organizadoras: Universidade da Coruña (España), Universidad de Guanajuato (México), Universidade de Pernambuco (Brasil), Universitat de les Illes Balears (España), Universidade Aberta (Portugal) y Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (España), Departamento de Turismo do Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas (Portugal)

Call for papers

Fechas clave:
30/06/2016. Envío de resúmenes (abstract)
15/09/2016. Envío de artículos completos (full paper)
20-21/10/2016. Congreso (Conference dates)

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Revistas colaboradoras con CITuRS 2016 (oportunidades de publicación)

Journal of Sustainability, Heritage and Tourism (España)
Tourism and Hospitality International Journal (Portugal)
Revista Emprendedorismo y Estrategia Organizacional (Ecuador)

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miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

The Influence of Institutional Environment on Quality Management in Hotels

The Influence of Institutional Environment on Quality Management in Hotels

  • María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández, Universidade da Coruña,  Email author ,
  • , Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, University of Huelva, @vargas24762
  • , Paula C. Remoaldo, Universidade do Minho


The purpose of this investigation is to study the link between Institutional Theory and quality practices in three, four and five star hotels located in Galicia (in northwest Spain). This investigation aims to characterize the institutional environment of these hotels, which will allow the various determinants explaining the implementation of quality management practices to be measured. To achieve these objectives, a research model that links the pressures of the institutional context with quality practices, and the latter with legitimacy, was developed and used. A quantitative study was carried out in which the referred model was applied to a sample of the hotel population using the partial least squares (PLS) technique and Visual-PLS software. The primary results of this investigation show that the hotels are incorporated in an institutional context mainly marked by normative pressure. This pressure tries to determine the norms and values through the accreditation of their behaviour. However, legitimacy and social support are the result of the behaviour of the hotels under study. It is important to note that the originality of this work derives from the set of main contributions based on the theoretical framework, Institutional Theory, objects under study and geographical area (the higher rank hotels in Galicia); the socio-economic context marked by the economic crisis; and the type of hotel entities (private and profit making).
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pp 279-291

The Influence of Institutional Environment on Quality Management in Hotels
Book Title
Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management
pp 279-291
Print ISBN
Online ISBN
Springer International Publishing

Influence of Institutional Environment on Quality Management in Hotels